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Early Years

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) includes our Nursery and Reception class.  These classes follow the EYFS curriculum which consists of seven areas of learning.


Prime Areas:                                                                                Specific Areas:

Communication and Language                                                    Literacy

Personal, Social and Emotional Development                             Mathematics

Physical Development                                                                 Understanding the World

                                                                                                     Expressive Arts and Design

Alongside the areas of learning, the EYFS also consists of characteristics of effective learning.  These are learning skills to help children in becoming lifelong learners, developing skills such as problem solving, perseverance and taking risks.


At St Ives Primary and Nursery School we carefully plan learning opportunities and experiences to the children’s individual interests to meet their next steps. In Nursery your child will be assigned a key person who will be responsible for meeting your child’s needs, planning their next steps and liaising with you about their development.  In Reception, your child will have a class teacher and teaching assistant who will do the same. 


We follow the Read, Write, Inc. programme to teach phonics, reading and writing and teach other areas of our curriculum which inspires and ignites a love of learning through question based themes.

Together with our themes, we like to follow the children’s interests so they can guide their own learning.

Reception Booklet Download Here

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